Turning 30 Podcast
The Turning 30 Podcast is a collection of solo episodes and real-life candid conversations with 30-somethings navigating the ups and downs of adulthood. The podcast is hosted by Turning 30 Life Coach Emma Wilson who is on a mission to help those in their late twenties and thirties to break free from what society says turning 30 should look like, accept where they are and to feel empowered to take positive steps forward at this pivotal time. The podcast explores what it is really like to turn 30, diving deep into topics such as careers, relationships, friendships, mental health, lifestyle and self-development. A chance to learn more about growing-up: the good times, the not so good, and all the lessons we learn in between.
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Turning 30 and Leaving a Full-time Job to Become a Solopreneur ft. Amardeep Parmar
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
The third instalment of my guest interviews is with Amar, who left a seven year career in the finance industry to pursue full time his writing side-hustle that had taken off during the pandemic.
In the episode we dive into: the expectations of turning 30 on your career, how to shift your identity from the prestige and normalisation of being in a ‘good, well-respected’ position, how to deal with managing other people’s opinions around your career change, and Amar shares the personal process he went through when making the big decision to leave his safe job to become a full-time entrepreneur.
During our conversation we also give some practical tips for anyone feeling the pull to go and do something different. It’s all about knowing that you have the freedom to change and develop in your career, no matter what you thought you would be when you grew up.
This is a great story for anyone who wants to leave the corporate world, or has a passion or drive to do something that is totally different to what they originally studied, trained and worked in and wants to be inspired.
There are still spots left on my GOLD 6 week group course, designed for anyone wanting to up level their business skills and grow as a solopreneur. Register here: https://www.turning30coach.com/gold
Follow me on IG @turning30coach
IG: amardeep.s.parmar
Website: https://www.amardeep.co/
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
For most of us, a life where we hit all the milestones and tick all the ‘right’ boxes in our twenties is a path we were never on in the first place. But this is not the case for all of us.
There are those who go through their twenties and successfully tick off all of the correct checklists and hit the milestones that society adores so much at exactly the expected time:
Stable job in revered profession - tick
Year on year promotion - tick
Buying a property in London - tick
Long-term relationship - tick
Dream destination wedding - tick
But what if something happens when you are 29 and your life turns upside down? What if you are thrown into a new reality as you face your thirties that you could never once have imagined.
This is the story of this week’s podcast guest, Jelena Holodkova who seemingly had her twenties (and therefore her thirties) all figured out.
Her circumstances changed, as she shares in the episode, and the result was a huge, life-altering shift into a fresh new start in her thirties.
In this episode, Jelena vulnerably shares her story for the first time, of how her life once was and the big changes that ensued.
We talk about how to navigate change, even when you didn’t choose it, how to deal with the aftermath of a break-up, being on autopilot and shifting into consciousness, dealing with burnout, letting go of the ‘shoulds’ and building a brand new aligned path.
From leaving her successful corporate career in finance to building her own consultancy practice and business, to moving countries and traveling - Jelena’s thirties so far have been an incredible journey of self-development.
Her story is powerful, inspiring and an important reminder of the resilience we have when things don’t go the way we expected.
When I first heard her story, I knew one day I would share it with my audience. It’s been almost two years in the making- I hope you enjoy it!
To sign up to my brand new business foundations group course starting next month, click here:
IG: @turning30coach
Website: www.turning30coach.com
IG: @hello.jel
Website: www.andalso.space
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
For so many of us, the past two years have seen our careers taking big, unexpected turns: leaving positions, setting up own side-hustles and businesses and making unplanned career pivots.
When my client Liv reached out to me in January 2021, she had reached a huge crossroads in her career and was ready to make some big decisions about what to do next.
After over 10 years of working in the events industry and holding a senior Events Director position at an esteemed company in London, Liv had made the bold decision to leave her role and during our coaching together, decided to become self-employed.
Since then, Liv has created a thriving business in the Events industry, taking her expert knowledge and using it to become her own boss. She did this in a climate where many would never have dared, and yet despite the odds being against her, she still succeeded.
Is running your own business a bed of roses? Of course not! But as you will hear in our conversation, the journey from employee to self-employed is so rewarding.
In this episode we discuss how to make hard career decisions when you are stuck in the frustrating place of the “I don’t know”, how to embrace a CEO mindset after so many year of working for someone else, setting boundaries in your business, embracing your own email style and how to deal with the identity shift after leaving full-time employment.
Liv’s story is such a great example of stepping up and taking a risk- even when you know you may fail.
This is the second episode in a special podcast series dedicated to sharing stories of those who have taken huge leaps in their careers, leaving the 9-5 and now working for themselves in something that they deeply love and care about.
To get on the waitlist for my brand new business foundations group course starting next month, click here:
And don’t forget to connect with me on Instagram at @turning30coach
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Turning 30 and Why I’m a Quitter and You Should Be Too
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
I LOVE quitting!! And now I want to tell you my story of how quitting led me to a career that I'm in love with.
Quitting is often seen as something negative and something we should avoid in our career at all costs, but I’m here to convince you that quitting is actually something that can serve your career- if done in the right way.
Come with me on a journey through the times when I have quit throughout the years, and all the lessons that I have learnt as a result.
From the time I threw a glass of wine (by mistake) on an Insurance big-shot at a wine bar in London, to the time when I officially quit the 9-5 to pursue my coaching business, it’s been a ride and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
This episode is for you if you feel that you want to reframe quitting, make big career moves, break beliefs around ‘the right way’ to have a career, or you just want to have a lol at how many times I started a job and realised quite soon after, that it wasn’t for me!
This is the first episode in a special podcast series dedicated to sharing stories of those who have taken huge leaps in their careers, leaving the 9-5 and now working for themselves in something that they deeply love and care about.
To get on the waitlist for my brand new business foundations group course starting next month, click here:
And don’t forget to connect with me on Instagram at @turning30coach
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Turning 30 and Eating Your Way To Better Fertility Ft Lauren Allen
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
I have invited Certified Nutrition Coach Lauren Allen onto the podcast this week for an educational and eye-opening episode all about how to eat your way to better fertility.
In our thirties, we often start to consider our fertility more. One thing that many of us aren’t aware of is how much our diet and nutrition can affect our fertility levels.
Lauren shares her amazing story from being told she wouldn’t be able to conceive naturally after being diagnosed with PCOS, to completely changing her diet and eating habits which led her to fall pregnant naturally.
Lauren believes that all women deserve to harness the power of eating foods that help their bodies thrive and her mission is to help women find delicious ways to balance their hormones without feeling deprived or restricted. She coaches women privately and in groups to help them optimize their fertility, decrease period pain, boost their mood and energy, and feel empowered in their health journeys.
In the episode we dive into how your mindset around food can affect your ability to create sustainable change, where to start on your health journey and which foods can help optimise your fertility.
IG: https://www.instagram.com/laurenallennutrition/
Website: https://www.laurenallennutrition.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/turning30coach/
Website: https://turning30coach.com
This month I am starting my egg-freezing journey and I invite you to follow my story on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/emmaseggs/
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Turning 30 and Becoming a Mid-Life Muse ft Dr Amanda Hanson
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
This week’s guest is spearheading a movement and I am proud to say I am one of her biggest supporters.
Dr Amanda Hanson worked for years as a clinical psychologist until switching to become a transformational life coach for women. Her brand Revolutionizing Midlife is about redefining and reclaiming what it means to be a woman 40+.
As we discuss in the episode, although her target audience is women over the age of 40, she has found that her message attracts 20 and 30 year olds who are looking for a role model. The reason being, that talking about ageing and mid-life as something beautiful, sexy and something to embrace is almost non-existent.
Enter Amanda: refusing to subscribe to the ageing ideals that dictate how women should be covering wrinkles with botox, dyeing their hair to cover up the greys, and to become less sexy and less outspoken as they mature. Speaking out about letting women age naturally and to take their power back as they enter mid -life, Amanda’s videos have become a Tik Tok sensation. And for good reason (watch them and you will see!)
In this episode we delve into why women have been taught and signalled to think of ageing as something negative and how we can start to shift this paradigm to revolutionise the way that we grow older. We discuss the difference between ‘Baby Princess’ and ‘Queen Energy’ and how to shift your energy and go out into the world each day feeling powerful and sexy (no matter your age).
If you are ready to feel inspired about being in your thirties and growing older- this episode is for you!
IG: https://www.instagram.com/midlife.muse/
Website: https://amandahanson.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/turning30coach/
Website: https://turning30coach.com
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Turning 30 and Laughing Your Way to a Better Dating Life ft. Sara K. Runnels
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Join me and writer and viral meme queen Sara K. Runnels on this week’s episode of the podcast where we are having a candid conversation all about dating in your thirties.
Sara is a writer and humorist living in Seattle, Washington and her work is featured in The New Yorker, McSweeney’s, Betches, and hundreds of dating app messages.
Her witty modern-dating content has amassed a tiny following on Instagram as @omgskr and I had the opportunity to sit down with her and have an open conversation on dating, why dating in your thirties evolves from your twenties, if we should be more open to dating different types of people, what to do on a bad first date, how to vet men on the dating apps and many, many more topics that you don’t want to miss.
We also dive into why dating in your thirties when you are contemplating motherhood can be so challenging, and how to release the timelines fears to start enjoying dating more.
If you like humour and want an insight from a professional dater- this episode is for you!
IG: @turning30coach
There are still spots left on the Turning 30 Retreat to Jordan!! For more information, click here.
Sara:IG: @omgskr
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Turning 35: reflections on reaching the half-way mark of my thirties
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Last month I turned 35 and entered a time of true self-reflection. In this solo episode I share some personal musings on how it feels to be this age and what I think many of you would like to know about turning 35.
Some of the topics I dive into are:
Why turning 35 is a challenging age as a single woman and how to release from age-related pressure
My thoughts on the 35 fertility cliff myth, how to take control of your fertility and how to trust in divine timing
The narrative around growing older and how to dispel it
My suggestions for improving your health and mindset in your thirties and why I feel better each year with every that passes by
I also have an exciting announcement at the end of the episode about a new direction for Turning 30, with an amazing opportunity for those of you who are looking to make a big career leap.
Initial Consultation Calls for 1:1 coaching spots are now open, click here to book your FREE call:
There are still spots left on the Reclaim Retreat in Jordan! Click here for details:
Want to chat to someone at Turning 30 about the retreat?
Book your information call here:
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Turning 30 and Owning Your Timeline Ft. Laura Behnke
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
When we are growing up, many of us are told that we are capable of achieving anything in life that we want.
A good career? You go and get it! Move to a new city? Go for it! A great social life? All yours. A committed, long-term relationship? Of course it will happen for you!
But what happens when you get to 35 and you haven’t ticked off everything on the list? What happens when a relationship not only hasn’t happened up until now, but seems like it never will?
That is the story of this week’s podcast guest, Laura Behnke. Living in the city of her dreams (New York) and in a high achieving career (as a successful tv anchor) her life was panning out as she had wanted, apart from the fact that at the age of 35 she had never been in a long-term relationship. She spent her early thirties focused on her romantic life and believed that because she hadn’t yet met someone, that there was something wrong with her.
SPOILER ALERT: There was absolutely nothing wrong with her! Shortly after making some big mindset shifts following her 35th birthday, she met her husband.
In this episode Laura shares with us her story, of how she went from panicking and not enjoying her thirties, to feeling calm and accepting of her timelines, and eventually meeting her partner and having a child in her 40s.
If you are looking for some inspiration and expansion- Laura’s story and this is the episode for you!
IG: @laurabbehnke
IG: @turning30coach
Reclaim Retreat details: www.turning30coach.com/retreat
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Turning 30 and Let’s Talk About Money ft Ellie Austin-Williams
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Today’s episode is about a topic that so many of us avoid talking about but has such a significant impact on the way we feel about being in our thirties: MONEY.
I have invited Ellie Austin-Williams onto the podcast for one of my most interesting guest interviews yet.
After becoming Bored of the same old financial content written by middle-aged men, Ellie set up This Girl Talks Money to tackle the money taboo and help women gain ownership of their finances.
Whether we like it or not, most of the big life decisions that we make, where to live, where to work, what our lifestyle looks like, if we want to travel, if we want to have a wedding or bring children into the world are influenced by the way we feel and approach money.
In this candid conversation Ellie and I dive into:
Why people find it so uncomfortable to talk about money, yet why we should be having these conversations more openly and more often.
Why money is such a determining factor in how you feel about being in your thirties.
Why people are SO obsessed with buying property.
How to cope with all the money we spend as hen party and wedding guests.
Practical tools to get started with saving money and taking control of your finances.
This is an episode and a topic that every single one of us should be talking about, full of interesting statistics, insights and opinions, and one that you do not want to miss!
IG: @thisgirltalksmoney
IG: @turning30coach
There are still spots left on the Turning 30 Retreat to Jordan!! For more information, click here.